Sunday, June 14, 2015

Rehabilitation and new planter beds

June 14, 2015 

We did a lot this weekend. On Friday, we transplanted three pomegranate trees that the birds had so kindly planted in one of my raised garden bed. It is only fair as they had feasted on the pomegranate fruits from the tree up front. Dear husband dug up the three trees which were already flowering and fruiting from the planter beds. That in itself was quite a feat. The roots were deep. I think this is their second spring. Then DH had to dig the holes to transplant the trees to. We moved it to the south hillside next to the goji berry.

The now almost empty planter bed called for more soil. I dug up the strawberry plants that were in the bed and DH haul and fill the planter. I then replanted the strawberry plant in the renewed planter bed. We were very pleased with the results and encouraged to recover the other beds.
Yesterday, we worked on more planter beds. DH haul countless 15 gallon pails of topsoil and compost from the front of our property to fill two empty planters. I am so excited for the new edible plants I will be able to plant for us. Most mornings I make a smoothie of fruits and greens. I  am thinking I will use one planter for my juicing bar. 

Along with the dirt, came a little creature, quite pretty but a little scary. Googled immediately and confirmed it is a millipede rather than a centipede.
The topsoil and compost was very dry and hydrophobic. We had to slowly water the soil and let the water be absorbed. We kept repeating the watering until it was able to retain water and not just leach out.

I am excited about all the possibilities of what we might grow. Stay tune.

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